Why does my station appear on the map at the incorrect location?

Weather Station Incorrect location on the map

The Latitude/Longitude in your account profile determines where you appear on the map. You may either input a new Latitude/Longitude or use the link on the My Account page to set the location visually on a map to alter your position on the map. 

Please contact us with any further questions.


On WeatherLink.com 2.0, how many devices can I register under one account?

Weatherlink Account

You may have as many as you want. You may register an infinite number of devices and view their current status (Bulletin). The Pro Tier subscription gives you access to the usage of advanced features on three of your devices. Owners of Vantage Connect and EnviroMonitor are immediately upgraded to the Pro Tier subscription.

Please contact us with any further questions.


How can I share my data with NOAA, GLOBE, and Weather Underground?

Share my data to NOAA, GLOBE, and Weather Underground

You may pick among these 3rd-party weather sources like weather underground, NOAA, and GLOBE by going to the ‘Uploads' portion of your ‘Manage Devices' page. All you have to do now is tick the boxes next to the ones you want to upload to and enter in your credentials. 

Please contact us with any further questions.


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